Жизнь Мэрилин...
... и смерть
Фильмы о Монро
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Стихи Мэрилин Монро

Не многим известно, что Мэрилин Монро писала стихи. Возможно, она опасалась критики, а может, не хотела разрушить образ жизнерадостной, но глуповатой блондинки?

Она читала стихи только самым близким друзьям, например Милтону Грину (друг и соучредитель Marilyn Monroe Productions) и Карлу Сандбергу. В них Мэрилин раскрывала свои мысли и душу. Вот некоторые из этих стихотворений:


O, Time
Be Kind
Help this weary being
To forget what is sad to remember
Lose my loneliness,
Ease my mind,
While you eat my flesh.


I could have loved you once
and even said it
But you went away,
When you came back it was too late
And love was a forgotten word.


From time to time
I make it rhyme
but don't hold that kind
of thing
Oh well, what the hell,
so it won't sell.
What I want to tell-
is what's on my mind:
'taint Dishes,
'taint Wishes,
it's thoughts
flinging by
before I die-
and to think
in ink.


Life, I am of both your directions
Existing more with the cold frost
Strong as a cobweb in the wind
Hanging downward the most
Somehow remaining
Those beaded rays have the colors
I've seen in paintings--ah life
They have cheated you
Thinner than a cobwebs's thread
Sheerer than any-
But it did attach itself
And held fast in strong winds
And singed by the leaping hot fires
Life-of which at singular times
I am both of your directions-
Somehow I remain hanging downward the most
As both of your directions pull me.


To the weeping willow
I stood beneath your limbs
and you flowered and finally clung to me
and when the wind struck....the earth
and sand--you clung to me.


I left my home of green rough wood,
A blue velvet couch.
I dream till now
A shiny dark bush
Just left of the door.
Down the walk
Clickity clack
As my doll in her carriage
Went over the cracks-
"We'll go far away."


Don't cry my doll
Don't cry
I hold you and rock you to sleep
Hush hush
I'm pretending now
I'm not your mother who died.


Help help
Help I feel life coming closer
When all I want to do is die.


Good nite
and sweet repose
Where ever you lay your head-
I hope you find your nose-


The smart one says the eye
is not truly round. His are,
though, fat with looking.


When the hourglass
takes off its dress,
the sand loosens and spreads.
You cannot find a footing
in me. They always said
I was terrible in bed.


They taught my body
to squeeze grapes.
Warm wine pours out.
And once or twice,
a slick skin.


I've got a tear hanging over my beer that I can't let go
It's too bad
I feel sad
When I got all my life behind me.
If I had a little relief
From this grief
I couldfind a drowning straw to hold on to.
It's great to be alive.
They say I'm lucky to be alive
It's hard to figure out -
When everything I feel -


Nite of the nite
Seems different
Night has no eyes nor no one
Except for the night itself.

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