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Главная / Публикации / А.Х. Бонд. «Мэрилин Монро. Психоанализ ослепительной блондинки»


Anderson, Janice. Marilyn Monroe. New York: Crescent Books, 1995.

Arnold, Eve. Marilyn Monroe. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 2005.

Arnold, Eve. Marilyn Monroe: An Appreciation. New York: Knopf, 1987.

Badman, Keith. Marilyn Monroe: The Final Years. New York: Thomas Dunne, 2012.

Banner, Lois and Mark Anderson. MM-Personal: from the Private Archive of Marilyn Monroe. New York: Abrams, 2001.

Barris, George. New York: Citadel Press, 1995.

Baty, S. Paige. American Monroe: The Making of a Body Politic. Berkeley, Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1995.

Bigsby, Christopher. Arthur Miller. London: Weidenfeld amp; Nicolson, 2009.

Braver, Adam. Misfit. Portland, OR, New York: Tin House, 2012.

Brown, Peter Harry and Patte B. Barham. Marilyn: The Last Take. New York: Dutton, 1992.

Casillo, Charles. The Marilyn Diaries. Los Angeles: Charles Casillo, 1999.

Churchwell, Sarah. The Many Lives of Marilyn Monroe. New York: Picador, 2004.

Clark, Colin. The Prince, the Showgirl and Me: Six Months on the Set with Marilyn and Olivier. New York: St. Martin's, 1996.

Clayton, Marie. Marilyn Monroe: Unseen Archives. Bath, UK: Parragon, 2005.

Cunningham, Ernest W. The Ultimate Marilyn: All the Facts, Fantasies, and Scandals about the World's Best-Known Sex Symbol. Los Angeles: Renaissance, 1998.

De La Hoz, Cindy. Marilyn Monroe: Platinum Fox. Philadelphia: Running Press, 2007.

Dougherty, Jim. To Norma Jeane with Love, Jimmie. As told to LC Van Savage. Chesterfield, Missouri: Beach House, 2001.

Druxman, Michael B. Marilyn Monroe. In Once Upon a Time in Hollywood: From the Secret Files of Harry Pennypacker. Tucson, Arizona: Wheatmark, 2008.

Evans, Mike. Marilyn Handbook. London: Spruce, 2004.

Freeman, Lucy. Why Norma Jean Killed Marilyn Monroe. Chicago: Global Rights, 1992.

Gilmore, John. Inside Marilyn Monroe: A Memoir. Los Angeles: Ferine Books, 2007.

Guiles, Fred Lawrence. Legend: The Life and Death of Marilyn Monroe. Chelsea, Michigan: Scarborough House, 1991.

Guiles, Fred Lawrence. Norma Jean: The Life of Marilyn Monroe. New York: Paragon House, 1993.

Hanks, Tara. The Mmm Girl: Marilyn Monroe, By Herself. London: UKA, 2007.

Haspiel, James. Marilyn: The Ultimate Look at the Legend. London: Smith Gryphon, 1991.

Haspiel, James. Young Marilyn: Becoming the Legend. New York: Hyperion, 1994.

Jasgur, Joseph and Jeannie Sakol. The Birth of Marilyn: The Lost Photographs of Norma Jean. New York: St. Martin's, 1991.

Jordan, Ted. Norma Jean: My Secret Life with Marilyn Monroe. New York: Signet, 1991.

Kahn, Roger. Joe and Marilyn: A Memory of Love. New York: William Morrow, 1986.

Klein, Edward. All Too Human: The Love Story of Jack and Jackie Kennedy. New York: Pocket Books, 1996.

Lawrence, Lauren. Private Dreams of Public People. New York: Assouline, 2002.

Leaming, Barbara. Marilyn Monroe. London: Weidenfeld amp; Nicolson, 1998.

Lytess, Natasha. My Years with Marilyn. As told to Jane Wilkie. Harry Ransom Center, University of Texas, Austin.

McDonough, Yona Zeldis. All the Available Light: A Marilyn Monroe Reader. New York, London, Toronto, Sydney: Touchstone, 2002.

Mailer, Norman. Marilyn. New York: Galahad, 1994.

Mailer, Norman. Of Women and Their Elegance. New York: Tom Doherty, 1981.

Martin, Pete. Will Acting Spoil Marilyn Monroe?... Garden City, New York: Doubleday, 1956.

Mercurio, Jed. American Adulterer. New York: Simon amp; Schuster, 2009.

Miracle, Berniece Baker and Mona Rae Miracle. My Sister Marilyn: A Memoir of Marilyn Monroe. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1994.

Miller, Author. After the Fall: A Play in Two Acts. New York: Penguin, 1980.

Miller, Arthur. The Misfits: An Original Screenplay. New York: Irvington, 1989.

Miller, Arthur. Timebends: A Life. London: Minerva, 1990.

Monroe, Marilyn. Fragments: Poems, Intimate Notes, Letters. Edited by Stanley Buchthal and Bernard Comment. London: HarperCollins, 2010.

Monroe, Marilyn and Ben Hecht. My Story. Lanham, Maryland; New York; Boulder, Colorado; Toronto; Plymouth, UK: Taylor Trade, 2007.

Morgan, Michelle. Marilyn Monroe: Private and Confidential. New York: Skyhorse Publishing, 2012.

Oates, Joyce Carol. Blonde. New York: Ecco Press, 2001.

Pepitone, Lena and William Stadiem. Marilyn Monroe Confidential: An Intimate Personal Account. New York: Simon amp; Schuster, 1979.

Porter, Darwin. Marilyn at Rainbow's End: Sex, Lies, Murder, and the Great Cover-Up. New York: Blood Moon Productions, 2012.

Rattigan, Terence. The Prince and the Showgirl: The Script for the Film. New York: Signet, 1957.

Reeves, Thomas C. A Question of Character: A Life of John F. Kennedy. Roseville, California: Prima Publishing, 1997.

Riese, Randall and Neal Nitchens. The Unabridged Marilyn: Her Life from A to Z. New York: Congdon amp; Weed, 1987.

Schur, Max. Freud: Living and Dying. New York: International Universities Press, 1972.

Shaw, Sam and Norman Rosten. Marilyn among Friends. New York: Henry Holt, 1987.

Shevey, Sandra. The Marilyn Scandal: Her True Life Revealed by Those Who Knew Her. New York: William Morrow, 1987.

Spoto, Donald. Marilyn Monroe: The Biography. London: Chatto amp; Windus, 1993.

Steinem, Gloria and George Barris. Marilyn: Norma Jeane. New York: Henry Holt, 1986.

Strasberg, Susan. Marilyn and Me: Sisters, Rivals, Friends. New York: Doubleday, 1992.

Taraborrelli, J. Randy. The Secret Life of Marilyn Monroe. New York: Grand Central, 2009.

They Fired Marilyn: Her Dip Lives On. 1962. Life, 22 June.

Wolfe, Donald H. The Assassination of Marilyn Monroe. London: Little, Brown, 1999.

Zolotow, Maurice. Marilyn Monroe. New York: HarperCollins, 1990.

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