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Главная / Аудио / The Voice Of Marilyn, Vol. 2

The Voice Of Marilyn, Vol. 2

Послушать альбом

1. Like A Woman Should .A 1954 Recording Session
2. Press Conference Before Filming "Bus Stop" In 1956
3. Royal Triton Oil 1950 TV Commercial (Believed To Be The Only One She Ever Did)
4. Scene With Betty Grable And Lauren Bacall (from the 1953 film How To Marry A Millionaire)
5. Scene With Groucho Marx (from the 1950 film Love Happy)
6. Scenes With Tom Ewell (from the 1955 film Seven Year Itch)
7. Some Like It Hot
8. Something's Gotta Give (scene from an unreleased 1962 film)
9. That Old Black Magic
10. You'd Be Surprised (1954 recording session)

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